No Knead, Slow-Rise Focaccia


Serves 4 (or 2 hungry people):

- 250g white bread flour

- 200g room temp water

- 4g instant yeast (activated and frothy by mixing it in with 3tbsp water and 1/2 tsp brown sugar)

- 7g salt

- Olive oil

- toppings (we used 1 large sauteed red onion, a sprig of dill from the garden and sliced green olives)


1. Mix flour, water and salt to a large bowl. Then add the yeast mixture. Mix until there are no dry bits of flour. Cover and leave aside for 20mins

2. Using a spatula or rice spoon, stretch and fold the dough in the bowl by scooping the dough from the bottom and folding it over the top. Rotate the bowl and repeat until the dough has been folded at least 4 times. Cover and let rest for 20mins

3. Stretch and fold the dough again. Cover and let rest for 20min

4. Stretch and fold the dough one last time. Generously pour olive oil (about 6tbsp) into a small-medium baking tray (ours was 30cmx20cm).  Transfer the dough mixture to the tray and stretch and spread the dough across the entire tray.

5. Transfer to the fridge for 12-24hrs.

6. Take out of the fridge 2 hours before baking. Allow to rise at room temp. On cold, winter days we pop the covered tray into a 50degC oven to rise for 20min, then turn off the oven but keep the dough in there until it has risen (doubled in size)

7. Generously pour olive oil over the risen dough and dimple the dough with your fingertips

8. Sprinkle the toppings over the dough

9. Preheat oven to 250degC fanforced. For best results, have a pizza stone or cast iron pan on the top shelf.

10. Pop the dough into the oven for 12min or until top is crispy and golden brown

11. Enjoy the focaccia warm out of the oven!

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