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Urban Grow Kits
$79.95 + postage
Seed Sets
$14.95 + postage
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Our story

Hey! 🖖

This is us - Hiranga and Ashini.

We are two Melbournian architects.
We happen to be 🤵👰 AND we're the co-founders of Earthli :)

During our careers we've designed city shaping buildings, precincts and public infrastructure around the world. We've specialized in multidisciplinary and sustainable design, but this alone, this can only do so much when the systems that run our cities are, more often than not, destructive to the natural environment. This is why we began our working, paying close attention to the simple actions that could help bring back more circular and ecosystem-like behaviour back into our cities.

Ultimately, so that more of us can live more like nature, more with nature.

And the fastest way to begin doing all that?
Well, it all starts with food —nature!

We live in a small urban cottage with a humble (read: tiny) back garden that was once just a slab of astro-turfed concrete. It was uncomfortably hot in summer, and so barren that we'd avoid spending time outside in it. We were not at all born green-thumbs!

That was three years ago.

Now our petite garden produces all of our fresh herbs, and at least half of the fresh veg and fruits we eat across the year. It's become a secret sanctuary, not only for us but the local wildlife, including 5 species of birds (and counting), who visit us regularly.

During heatwaves, the garden retains a temperate microclimate and we've been lucky enough to have our own private oasis in roughly the space of carpark, to retreat to (and WFH from!) during the COVID lockdowns.

Needless to say, it wasn't easy to get our garden established and thriving: we lead busy lifestyles; we have a small space to work with and imperfect conditions; we were learning as we went, and have killed many plants in the process. 😭

This is why we started Earthli —for people like us! 🙌

- people who live in dense urban areas and suburbs
- people with busy lifestyles
- people who have always wanted to,
but haven't had the confidence to START GROWING!
(and also, for people who hate killing plants )

So we're working to make it easier than ever, to take the leap, have more successes in the garden, and plant seeds for a better future —with a tribe from all walks of life— to learn, share and grow together! 💪💪🏻💪🏼💪🏽💪🏾💪🏿

Because simple actions, even as small as growing a few plants on a balcony, can bring about joy and positive change to not just your own life, but to people, the 🌎 and the environment around us too.

—Hiranga and Ashini from Earthli 🖤